Muslim Man Accidentally Watch Sexual Contents On Twitter And Calls For Twitter Ban On Users Who Post Sexual Contents
After accidentally watching a sexual content that was shared by someone, a Muslim man and social media influencer with the username @Waspapping_, called for a ban on users on Twitter.
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According to him, after attempting to stop the video from playing, he “accidentally” watched the video for 4 minutes of an X-rated video.
Accidentally watch a 4 mins porn video that cross my timeline this morning. When will twitter ban people from posting sexual contents on the timeline?? He wrote.
The Twitter user, said it was a traumatizing experience for him as a devoted Muslim after watching the video
He also asked people to stop judging him for watching the video because it wasn’t intentional as he phone “hooked” when he tried to close the video and he was forced to watch.
I don’t think the people replying/quoting this tweet realize what a traumatizing experience this is for me as a Muslim. Opening a video only to realize that it’s porn and just when you’re about to close it , your phone hook and refuse to close and you’re forced to watch it”
Stop judging me it wasn’t intentional. Let me worry about the sin that comes with it. Dragging me is so unnecessary and unsympathetic tbh. I have a lots on my plates right now. You’re only going to break me if you keep judging, He added.