Fed Poly Nekede HND Admission List for 2020/2021, Check Admission Status


Is Fed Poly Nekede HND admission list for 2020/2021 out? If you want to check Fed Poly Nekede HND admission list 1st, 2nd or 3rd batch then am very happy to inform you that the procedures to check Federal polytechnic, Nekede (Fed Poly Nekede) HND admission list for 2020/2021 academic session is out.

The general public are hereby informed that Fed Poly Nekede HND admission list for 2020/2021 academic session has been released by the management of Federal polytechnic, Nekede.

Follow the instructions below to check Federal polytechnic, Nekede Higher National Diploma (HND) admission list first, second or third batch.

Is Fed Poly Nekede HND Admission List Out Officially?

As at this time, Fed Poly Nekede HND admission list is yet to be released officially. This page will be updated when the admission list is made public by the admission unit of Federal polytechnic, Nekede.

How To Check Nekede Poly HND Admission List

1. Kindly log on to Federal Poly Nekede admission status checker portal via http://ndapplication.fpno.edu.ng/Applicant/Admission/CheckStatus.

2. Insert your Application Form Number in the required column.

3. Click on ‘Log-In’ to access your admission status.

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How To Check Fed Poly Nekede HND Admission List On School Portal

The procedures to check Fed Poly Nekede admission list on the portal are as follows:

1. Visit Fed Poly Nekede admission portal by going to http://ndapplication.fpno.edu.ng/

2. Enter your username and password to login or supply your application number as required on the portal for prospective HND students

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3. Click on login and check your Fed Poly Nekede HND admission status.

How To Check Fed Poly Nekede HND Admission List On School Website

The procedures to check Fed Poly Nekede HND admission list on the school website are as follows:

1. Visit Fed Poly Nekede official website at https://fpno.edu.ng/

2. Click on Fed Poly Nekede HND admission list on the home page.

3. Enter your application number and click on “check admission status”

4. For PDF compiled admission list, scroll to your faculty/department and check your name/application number and check if your name is in the released admission list.

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