JAMB Subject Combinations for All Courses In Nigeria
JAMB Subject Combinations for All Courses

JAMB Subject Combinations for All Courses

This article covers Jamb subjects conbinations for all courses and Faculties in Nigerian Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education.  Be sure that you will get answers to all your questions regarding Jamb subjects.

Jamb Subject Conbinations for all courses for 2021: With every passing day, Jamb candidates bombard Google with questions like, I want to study Pharmacy, Medicine, Law, Engineering, Accounting, Business Admin, Biochemistry, Education, Agric, Ecostat… what are the subjects I need to sit for in Jamb 2021?

Another Jamb Related Question; Can I study Study business admin without Mathematics, “I wish to study accounting but I can’t use the result, should I change my course to banking and finance? Can I use Maths, Eng, commerce and government for Banking & Finance? Please tell me any other social science courses I can study with that result.

JAMB 2021 Subjects For Faculty Of Sciences

1. Subjects Combinations Medicine and Surgery

What subjects do I need in Jamb to study Medicine and Surgery in the University? They are:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Physics and
  • Chemistry.

2. Combinations For Agricultural Engineering

What subjects do I need in Jamb to study Agric? They are:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Physics and
  • Chemistry.

3. Subjects To Write For Computer Science:

What subjects do I need in Jamb to study Computer Science? They are:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Physics and
  • One of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography

4. Biochemistry Jamb Subjects:

What subjects do I need in Jamb to study Biochemistry? The Subjects that you need to register in Jamb 2021 are:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Physics and
  • Chemistry.

5. Biological Sciences:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Chemistry and
  • Physics or Mathematics.

6. Physics:

  • Use of English,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics and
  • Chemistry or Biology.

7. Mathematics:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics and
  • any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology and Agricultural Science.

8. Chemistry:

  • Use of English,
  • Chemistry and
  • two of Physics, Biology and Mathematics.

9. Subject Combinations For Nursing:

What subjects do I need in Jamb to study Nursing? The Subjects that you need to register in Jamb 2021 are:

  • Use of English,
  • Physics,
  • Biology and
  • Chemistry.

10. Food, Science and Technology:

  • Use of English,
  • Chemistry,
  • Mathematics / Physics
  • and Agric Science.

11. Jamb Subject Combination For Pharmacy:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Physics and
  • Chemistry.

12. Industrial Chemistry:

  • Use of English,
  • Chemistry,
  • Mathematics and
  • Any of Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science.

13. Fisheries:

  • Use of English,
  • Chemistry,
  • Biology/ Agricultural Science and
  • Any other Science subject.

14. Geology:

  • Use of English and
  • Any three Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography.

15. Geography:

  • Use of English,
  • Geography and
  • any two of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Agricultural Science.

16. Surveying an Geoinformatics:

  • Use of English,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics,
  • and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.

17. Statistics:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics and
  • any two of Physics, chemistry, agricultural science and economics.

18. Building:

  • Use of English,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics, and
  • any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.

19. Microbiology:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Chemistry and
  • either Physics or Mathematics.

20. Botany:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Chemistry and
  • any other Science subject.

21. Zoology:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology and
  • any two of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

22. Pure and Applied Mathematics:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Physics and
  • Biology or Agric Science or Chemistry or Geography.

Jamb Subject Combinations For All Agric Courses

23. Agriculture:

English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and any one of Physics and Mathematics.

24. Agricultural Economics:

English Language, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science and Mathematics.

25. Agric-Extension:

English, Chemistry, Biology/ Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.

26. Agronomy:

English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.

27. Animal Production and Science:

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science and Physics/Mathematics.

28. Crop Production and Science:

English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics or Physics.

29. Soil Science:

English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science plus Mathematics or Physics.

30. Veterinary Science:

English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

31. Forestry:

Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.

Jamb Subject Combination for Engineering Courses

32. Jamb Subject For Civil Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

33. Jamb Subject For Chemical Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

34. Jamb Subject For Computer Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

35. Jamb Subject For Combination Electrical Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

36. Jamb Subject For Electronic Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

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37. Jamb Subject Combination for Electrical/Electronic Engineering

Mathematics, English, Chemistry and Physics

38. Jamb Subject Combination For Marine Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

39. Jamb Subject Combination For Mechanical Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

40. Jamb Subject Combination For Metallurgical and Materials Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

41. Jamb Subject Combination For Petroleum and Gas Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

42. Jamb Subject Combination For Systems Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

43. Jamb Subject Combination For Structural Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

44. Jamb Subject Combination For Production and Industrial Engineering:

Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

JAMB Subject Combination for Mechatronics Engineering

The Bachelor’s Degree in Mechatronics Engineering is competitive. Knowing the prerequisites will enable you have seamless registration and also avoid unnecessary mistakes.

UTME and Direct Entry Requirements to Study Mechatronics Engineering.

Direct Entry Requirement for Mechatronics Engineering:

  • A Level passes in any two (2) of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

UTME Requirement for Mechatronics Engineering:

  • Five (5) SSC credit passes to include Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ,English Language and any other Science subject.

UTME Subject combination for Mechatronics Engineering:

  • Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.

More Courses And Their Jamb Subjects

45. Architecture Jamb Subjects:

  • English,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics, and
  • any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.

46. Quantity Surveying:

  • Use of English,
  • Physics,
  • Mathematics, and
  • any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.

47. Urban and Regional Planning:

  • English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Geography and
  • one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry.

48. Estate Management:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Economics and
  • one other subject

49. Anatomy:

  • English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Biology and
  • Chemistry or Physics.

50. Dentistry:

  • Use of English,
  • Chemistry,
  • Biology and
  • one Science subject.

51. Medical Laboratory Science:

  • English Language,
  • Physics,
  • Chemistry and
  • Biology.

52. Medical Rehabilitation:

  • Use of English,
  • Physics,
  • Chemistry and
  • Biology.

53. Physiology Subjects:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Physics and
  • Chemistry.

54. Physiotherapy:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Physics and
  • Chemistry.

55. Radiography:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Physics and
  • Chemistry.

56. Veterinary Medicine:

  • Use of English,
  • Biology,
  • Physics and
  • Chemistry

JAMB 2021 Subject Combinations For Social Sciences

57. Jamb Subject Combination For Accountancy:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Economics and
  • Any other Social Science subject.

58. Business Administration:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Economics and any
  • Other Social Science subject

59. Public Administration:

  • Use of English,
  • Government,
  • Economics and
  • Any other subject

60. Banking and Finance:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • one Social Science subject and
  • any other subject

61. Economics:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Economics and
  • any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French and CRK/IRK.

62. Demography and Social Statistics:

  • Use of English,
  • Mathematics,
  • Economics/ Geography and
  • any other subject.

63. Geography:

  • Use of English,
  • Geography and
  • two other Arts or Social Science subjects

64. Library Science:

  • Use of English and
  • Any three Arts or Social Science subjects

65. Mass Communication:

  • Use of English and
  • any three from Arts or Social Science subjects.

Art/ Social science subjects you could study

1. Literature in English 

2. Christian Religious Studies 

3. History 

4. Government 

5. Geography 

6. Economics

7. Commerce

8. French Language 

Waec/O’level Subject Combination to Study Mass communication

Official Jamb requirement for O’level is: “Five SSCE credit passes to include the English Language. Any three Arts and Social Sciences”

Possible Combination is below:

  • Mathematics
  • English Language
  • Literature in English
  • History
  • Government
  • Christian Religious Studies
  • Economics
  • Commerce
  • Geography

Other Social Science Courses And Subjects

66. Sociology:
Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts subjects.

67. Political Science:
Use of English, Government or History plus two other Social Science/Arts subjects.

68. Philosophy:
Use of English, Government and any other two subjects

69. Psychology:
Use of English, Any three subjects from Arts or Social Science

70. Religious Studies:
Use of English Language, CRK/IRS and any two other subjects.

71. Social Works: Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/ Geography and any other subject

72. Sociology and Anthropology:
Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts Subjects

73. Jamb Subject Combination For Industrial Relations:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant subject

74. Jamb Subject Combination For Human Resources Management (HRM):
Use of English, Economics, Government and any other relevant subjects.

75. Jamb Subject Combination For International Relations:

Use of English, Economics, Literature- in English and Geography/Government / History.

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76. Jamb Subject Combination For Business Management:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.

77. Jamb Subject Combination For Cooperative and Rural Development:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other subject.

78. Jamb Subject Combination For Jamb Subject Combination For Tourism:
English, Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.

79. Jamb Subject Combination For Marketing:
Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant Subject.

80.  Subject Combination For Insurance:
English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.

JAMB Subject Combination For Arts 2021

81. Arabic and Islamic Studies Subject Combination:

  • Use of English,
  • Arabic and
  • Two subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences.

82. Christian Religious Studies:

  • Use of English,
  • Two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge and
  • any other subject.

83. Fine and Applied Arts:

  • Use of English Language,
  • Fine Art or Literature and
  • two other Arts subjects or Social Science subject (e.g Government and CRS).

Waec Subjects for Fine and Applied Are Are:

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Economics
  • Marketing
  • C.R.S
  • Government

84. Theatre Arts:

  • Use of English,
  • Lit. in English and
  • two other relevant subjects.

85. Linguistics:

  • English,
  • Two relevant Arts subjects and
  • any other subject.

86. English and International Studies:

  • Use of English,
  • Literature in English,
  • Government or History or any other Arts subjects.

87. Mass Communication:

  • Use of English,
  • Any three Arts and Social Science subjects.

The Subject Combination for mass come is the same for the following new courses introduced:

  • advertising,
  • broadcasting,
  • cinematography,
  • Development Communication Studies,
  • information and Media Studies,
  • film and
  • Multimedia Studies.

88. Law:

English, Literature, CRS and Government.

89. French:
English, French and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.

90. English Language:
Use of English, Lit.-in-English, one other Arts subject and another Arts or Social Science subject.

91. Hausa:
English, Hausa, Lit in English and any of Economics, Government, History and Arabic.

92. History and International Studies:
Use of English, History/Government and any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science.

93. Islamic Studies:
English, Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts subjects.

94. Igbo:
English, Igbo and two subjects from Arts and social Sciences.

95. Music:
Use of English, Music, one other Art subject plus any other subject.

96. Jamb Subject Combination For Philosophy:
Use of English, Any three subjects.

97. Religious Studies:
English, CRK/IRS and any two other subjects.

98. Yoruba:
Use of English, Yoruba and two other subjects in Arts or
Social Sciences.

99. Anthropology:
Use of English, Any three of History, CRK/IRK,
Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French.

100. Criminology and Security Studies:
English, Economics, Government, and any one of the following: History, Geography, Literature in English,”Ž French, IRK, Hausa.

101. Civil Law:
English Language and Any three Arts or Social Science

102. Jamb Subject for Islamic / Sharia Law:
Use of English Language and Any three Arts or Social
Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies

Jamb Subject Combination for Management Technology

UTME and Direct Entry Requirements to Study Management Technology.

Direct Entry Requirement for Management Technology:

Two (2) A-Level passes in Economics, Accountancy, Business Management, Government and Geography. Candidate must have a Science background at O Level.

UTME Requirement for Management Technology:

Five (5) SSC credit passes to include, English Language, Mathematics, Economics and any other two (2) science subjects from Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography, Health Science, Metal Works, Wood Work, Agricultural Science, Technical Drawing, Nutrition and Food Science.

UTME Subject combination for Management Technology:

  • Mathematics, Economics and any one of Chemistry, Physics or Biology.

Combination For Cooperative and Rural Development

Jamb Subject Combination For Cooperative and Rural Development 2021

The subjects you should register in Jamb to study Cooperative and Rural Development are:

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other subject.

Jamb Subject Combination for Nutrition And Dietetics

JAMB Subject Combination for Nutrition And Dietetics 2021. Direct Entry Requirement:

  • Two (2) A Level passes in Chemistry, Biology and Agricultural Science, or Physics.

UTME Requirement:

  • Five (5) SSC credit passes in Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, Mathematics, Physics and English Language.

UTME Subject combination:

  • Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics/ Physics.

Clinical dietitians and nutritionists provide medical nutrition therapy. They work in hospitals, long-term care facilities, clinics, private practice, and other institutions. They create nutritional programs based on the health needs of patients or residents and counsel patients on how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Dieticians and nutritionists are professionals who cater to their patients’ and clients’ nutritional and health needs. The career after pursuing a degree in nutrition and dietetics is quite prolific because people are becoming more aware of the health and fitness day by day Hanyang University software.

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Subjects for Telecommunication Engineering

JAMB UTME and Direct Entry Requirements to Study Telecommunication Engineering.

Direct Entry Requirement for Telecommunication Engineering:

  • A Level passes/ND and HND in relevant subjects into 200 and 300 levels.

UTME Requirement for Telecommunication Engineering:

  • Five (5) SSC credit passes including English Language, Economics and Mathematics.

UTME Subject combination for Telecommunication Engineering:

  • Mathematics, Economics and any one of Account, Commerce and Government.

Telecommunications Engineering is an engineering discipline centered on electrical and computer engineering which seeks to support and enhance telecommunication systems. The work ranges from basic circuit design to strategic mass developments.

Subjects for Physics With Electronics 2021

Direct Entry Requirement for Physics With Electronics:

NCE/Two (2) A Level passes in Physics and Mathematics or Chemistry.
UTME Requirement for Physics With Electronics:

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and any other Science subject from Further Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science.

UTME Subject combination for Physics With Electronics:

Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.

Physics is the branch of science that deals with the structure of matter and how the fundamental constituents of the universe interact. It studies objects ranging from the very small using quantum mechanics to the entire universe using general relativity.

Subjects for Quantity Surveying

Direct Entry Requirement for Quantity Surveying:

(i) Two (2) A Level passes chosen from Mathematics or Physics and Chemistry, Geography or Fine Arts.
(ii) ND/HND upper credits in relevant field.
UTME Requirement for Quantity Surveying:

Five (5) SSC credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and any of Fine Art, Geography or Wood Work, Biology, Economics, Technical Drawing, Further. Mathematics., Introduction to Building Construction, Bricklaying/Block laying, Concreting, Wall, Floors and Ceiling Finishing, Joinery, Carpentary, Decorative Painting, Lining, Sign and Design, Wall Hanging , Colour Mixing/Matching and Glazing, Ceramics, Graphics Design, Graphic Printing, Basic Electricity.

UTME Subject combination for Quantity Surveying:

Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.

Combination For Anthropology

The jamb subject combination for Anthropology are:

Use of English, Any three of History, CRK/IRK,
Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French.

Combination For Tourism, Marketing And Insurance

The Jamb Subject Combination For Tourism, Marketing And Insurance Are:

English, Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.

Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant Subject.

English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.

Jamb Subjects For Adult Education

You may be wondering, what are the Jamb subject combinations for Adult Education? This is what I want to share with you.

The Jamb subject combinations for Adult Education Are:

  1. Use Of English
  2. Government/History
  3. One social science subject
  4. Any other subject.

Jamb Subject Combination for Piloting

Piloting or pilotage is navigating, using fixed points of reference on the sea or on land, usually with reference to a nautical chart or aeronautical chart to obtain a fix of the position of the vessel or aircraft with respect to a desired course or location.

To become a pilot you need a bachelor’s degree in aircraft operations, aviation, aeronautical engineering, or a related field. In addition, you will complete up to two months of ground training and need more than 1,500 hours of flight experience.

Science Courses To Study Without Physics In WAEC/JAMB

  1. Agriculture
  2. Agricultural Economics
  3. Agronomy
  4. Anatomy
  5. Animal Production and Science
  6. Architecture
  7. Biological Sciences
  8. Botany
  9. Chemistry
  10. Crop Production and Science
  11. Estate Management
  12. Fishery
  13. Food Science and Technology
  14. Forestry
  15. Industrial Chemistry
  16. Mathematics
  17. Microbiology
  18. Statistics
  19. Soil Science
  20. Urban and Regional Planning
  21. Zoology

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